In 2008 the Founder/CEO of Trident Global had finished Interning at one of the biggest funds in New York. She started meeting and connecting with a lot of traders who were leaving major funds to start up their own and she knew she wanted to work with them but with her own company.
The one thing they constantly mentioned to her is what was missing in the industry, and the main thing was a white-glove service in technology. This would allow them the same infrastructure as the funds they had been working with if everything could be customized. This was about the same time as High-Frequency Trading and algorithm trading had started.
Most importantly this was also the time that Capital Markets were now going from paper to digital trading and a new and exciting era began with many opportunities opening up and gaps became apparent in the exciting world of financial services.
Knowing she wanted to enter the market and started to build her own women-led development team, she started with a back office in India offering quantitative services, portfolio modeling, and bespoke software, including platforms and technology, and became a very successful technology and software services boutique firm in no time at all. She started to work with clients on solving their challenges and providing customized products and solutions.
Trident Global is now a successful woman-led Technology company with 4 depts being led by women and its focus on clients in the US and European Markets, South America, Singapore, and Hong Kong. With HQ now in New York and an office in Puerto Rico and our back-end development office in India with more expansion plans down the road.